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Medfel 2015

Italian representation at the CSO booth, Centro Servizi Ortofruticoli.
Italian representation at the CSO booth, Centro Servizi Ortofruticoli.
M.Alexis Médina and Nicola Motte, from Milufruits, promote their stone fruit and top fruit from grown in Spain and France.
M.Alexis Médina and Nicola Motte, from Milufruits, promote their stone fruit and top fruit from grown in Spain and France.
Jean Paul Lagarrigue and Carmelo Martínez from CMV, Wooden sticks manufacturers for anti hail structures.
Jean Paul Lagarrigue and Carmelo Martínez from CMV, Wooden sticks manufacturers for anti hail structures.
Frank Crépin from SaicaPack, a packaging solutions company.
Frank Crépin from SaicaPack, a packaging solutions company.
Joséphine Cuadras (right) with her colleage at Cuadraspania stand. The company based in Almeria, Spain, produces endive, lettuce and artichokes.
Joséphine Cuadras (right) with her colleage at Cuadraspania stand. The company based in Almeria, Spain, produces endive, lettuce and artichokes.
Staff from Cinatur Group, company bsed in Valencia and specialized in citrus and stone fruit.
Staff from Cinatur Group, company bsed in Valencia and specialized in citrus and stone fruit.
Vicente José Serisuelo (left) from Serifruit, with his colleague. The company based in Betxi, Spain, trades citrus all year round and green melons in summer.
Vicente José Serisuelo (left) from Serifruit, with his colleague. The company based in Betxi, Spain, trades citrus all year round and green melons in summer.
Xavier Font Badia from Fruites Font, a catalan company specialized in top and stone fruit.
Xavier Font Badia from Fruites Font, a catalan company specialized in top and stone fruit.
Staff from Giropoma, company based in Girona, Spain, well know as Apple production región.
Staff from Giropoma, company based in Girona, Spain, well know as Apple production región.
Nathalie Thomas and Ana Arévalo from Port of Barcelona.
Nathalie Thomas and Ana Arévalo from Port of Barcelona.
Luis Calvo,manager of the just established Spanish company Miss Fruit. Based in La Rioja, Spain, they grow and trade Rincón de Soto prptected origin certifyied pears.
Luis Calvo,manager of the just established Spanish company Miss Fruit. Based in La Rioja, Spain, they grow and trade Rincón de Soto prptected origin certifyied pears.
New packaging for cherries developed by Summerfruit for the Asian markets.
New packaging for cherries developed by Summerfruit for the Asian markets.
Nuria Izquierdo from Summerfruit, company based in Fragga, Spain, and specialized in cherries.
Nuria Izquierdo from Summerfruit, company based in Fragga, Spain, and specialized in cherries.
Antonio Montagud y Albert Carnicém de Copa Fresh. The company based in Lleida is about to start with its stone fruit season.
Antonio Montagud y Albert Carnicém de Copa Fresh. The company based in Lleida is about to start with its stone fruit season.
Javier Subies and Grégory Guisset from Fontestad, promote their citrus from Spain.
Javier Subies and Grégory Guisset from Fontestad, promote their citrus from Spain.
Bruno Alvarez and Beatrice Ingues, from Anecoop France in promotion of their brand Bouquet.
Bruno Alvarez and Beatrice Ingues, from Anecoop France in promotion of their brand Bouquet.
Elena Rest and and José Calatayud from Agrofresh Export Consortium Group, ready for the stone fruit season.
Elena Rest and and José Calatayud from Agrofresh Export Consortium Group, ready for the stone fruit season.
Jamel Bachtobji, from the Tunisian Agrarian Investment Promotion Agency in promotion of Tunisian citrus, charentais melons and dates among others.
Jamel Bachtobji, from the Tunisian Agrarian Investment Promotion Agency in promotion of Tunisian citrus, charentais melons and dates among others.
Yummy Tunisian dates exhibited at the Tunisian booth.
Yummy Tunisian dates exhibited at the Tunisian booth.
ULMA, company specialyzed in packaging machines.
ULMA, company specialyzed in packaging machines.
Mohamed Latif from the Egyptian company TERA, receives Shihab TS and his staff, from Suhol Al Fayha Trading, the biggest importer from Oman.
Mohamed Latif from the Egyptian company TERA, receives Shihab TS and his staff, from Suhol Al Fayha Trading, the biggest importer from Oman.
Maison Kemiche, from Algérie, specialized in olives and olive oil.
Maison Kemiche, from Algérie, specialized in olives and olive oil.
Royaume de la Figue booth, Algerian company specialyzed in dry figs.
Royaume de la Figue booth, Algerian company specialyzed in dry figs.
dryed figs of Royaume de la figue.
dryed figs of Royaume de la figue.
Serge Moreno and Christophe Brochain from Groupe Barbier, specialized in plastic solutions for greenhouses.
Serge Moreno and Christophe Brochain from Groupe Barbier, specialized in plastic solutions for greenhouses.
Dylan Auffray from Arc, manufacturer of binding machines to label fruits and vegetables.
Dylan Auffray from Arc, manufacturer of binding machines to label fruits and vegetables.
Toutentub, manufacturer of all kind of trolleys.
Toutentub, manufacturer of all kind of trolleys.
Kareen Besbouis from the Carton Ondulé de France ( Corrugated Carsboard Association ) promotes cardboard packagings solutions.
Kareen Besbouis from the Carton Ondulé de France ( Corrugated Carsboard Association ) promotes cardboard packagings solutions.
Staff from Vignali Trab promotes Fortunato brand for tomatoes and vegetables from South of Siracusa, Italy.
Staff from Vignali Trab promotes Fortunato brand for tomatoes and vegetables from South of Siracusa, Italy.
Giuseppe Di Liberto and Lillo Di Liberto from the Italian company FruttaPiu promote their table grapes, citrus and stone fruits.
Giuseppe Di Liberto and Lillo Di Liberto from the Italian company FruttaPiu promote their table grapes, citrus and stone fruits.
Charifa Ibnoutabet with colleagues at the Agri-Souss booth, Moroccan company based in Agadir.
Charifa Ibnoutabet with colleagues at the Agri-Souss booth, Moroccan company based in Agadir.
Kenza Ouali and Khadya Boutfowt from Les Domaines Export, Moroccan company based in Casablanca and specialized in citrus, melon and tomatoes.
Kenza Ouali and Khadya Boutfowt from Les Domaines Export, Moroccan company based in Casablanca and specialized in citrus, melon and tomatoes.
Anne Baumuller, manager of Naturalvi,promotes paper packaging solutions for fruits and vegetables.
Anne Baumuller, manager of Naturalvi,promotes paper packaging solutions for fruits and vegetables.
Dominique Picard from SUMOOAK,specialized in recyclable and reusable plastic packagings.
Dominique Picard from SUMOOAK,specialized in recyclable and reusable plastic packagings.
Salma Keroua and Sarah Histane from Matysha, Moroccan company based in Agadir, top tomato producer.
Salma Keroua and Sarah Histane from Matysha, Moroccan company based in Agadir, top tomato producer.
Walter Krieger, General Manager of the Aphia, member of Les Jardins d’Aquitaine.
Walter Krieger, General Manager of the Aphia, member of Les Jardins d’Aquitaine.
Thomas Riera from Embal Import Export EIE.
Thomas Riera from Embal Import Export EIE.
Heinrich Juritsch, Roland Rosenzopf and colleague form Eva Handels GmbH, Austrian Apple Export Association.
Heinrich Juritsch, Roland Rosenzopf and colleague form Eva Handels GmbH, Austrian Apple Export Association.
José Ferreira from Dagard, cold chambers manufacturer.
José Ferreira from Dagard, cold chambers manufacturer.
Xavier Farouil and William Menigoz from DHL promote their logistic solutions.
Xavier Farouil and William Menigoz from DHL promote their logistic solutions.
Joan Miro and Nathálie Sanchez from Centre d’Analyses Méditerranée Pyrénees.
Joan Miro and Nathálie Sanchez from Centre d’Analyses Méditerranée Pyrénees.
Eric Pla and Norbert Fourcade from Alias Informatique in Perpignan.
Eric Pla and Norbert Fourcade from Alias Informatique in Perpignan.
Eric Hoerner from Guanter Rodriguez, specialized in transport solutions for products from Morocco and Spain to Perpignan.
Eric Hoerner from Guanter Rodriguez, specialized in transport solutions for products from Morocco and Spain to Perpignan.
Staff from Solagora, the new company which belongs to Anecoop to manage all organic fruits and vegetables.
Staff from Solagora, the new company which belongs to Anecoop to manage all organic fruits and vegetables.
José Anotnio Samerón, Philippe Eric, Lourdes and Antonia Sánchez from Caparrós, representing the horticulture from Almeria, Spain.
José Anotnio Samerón, Philippe Eric, Lourdes and Antonia Sánchez from Caparrós, representing the horticulture from Almeria, Spain.
Xavier Ribes from Suncrops, promoting vegetables from Morocco and Spain.
Xavier Ribes from Suncrops, promoting vegetables from Morocco and Spain.
Massimo Torresani from Corapack, Italian company specialized in flexible plastic packagings for fruit and vegetables.
Massimo Torresani from Corapack, Italian company specialized in flexible plastic packagings for fruit and vegetables.
Judit Vidal from Asfert, Portuguese company specialyzed in natural fertilizers.
Judit Vidal from Asfert, Portuguese company specialyzed in natural fertilizers.
Nadine Planas, General Director of Groupe Medina, transport company based in Perpignan.
Nadine Planas, General Director of Groupe Medina, transport company based in Perpignan.
Jean-Luc Puech and Fanny Gayraud from the transport company Transalliance.
Jean-Luc Puech and Fanny Gayraud from the transport company Transalliance.
Swanie Garrettaz from Informia
Swanie Garrettaz from Informia
Michel Vicente and Carolina Martins from Force Sud promoting their melons
Michel Vicente and Carolina Martins from Force Sud promoting their melons
Madjid Aidh from Alterbio, a grower, importer and exporter of organic fruit and vegetables.
Madjid Aidh from Alterbio, a grower, importer and exporter of organic fruit and vegetables.
Claude Sauvayre and Jonathan Chiavassa from Maf Roda
Claude Sauvayre and Jonathan Chiavassa from Maf Roda
Hugues Decrombecque from Val de Loire
Hugues Decrombecque from Val de Loire
Pascal Corbel from Cardel Export promotes the Juliet, organic apple
Pascal Corbel from Cardel Export promotes the Juliet, organic apple
Leslie Galtier from Edenys promoting the new company logo
Leslie Galtier from Edenys promoting the new company logo
Hans Scholten from Escande
Hans Scholten from Escande
Francois-Xavier Salmon and Damien Dhulst from Tifanette, overseas exporter of apples
Francois-Xavier Salmon and Damien Dhulst from Tifanette, overseas exporter of apples
Mohammed Chair from Le Verger de La Blottière the exclusive grower/distributor for the Sweet Sensation pear in France
Mohammed Chair from Le Verger de La Blottière the exclusive grower/distributor for the Sweet Sensation pear in France
Patrick Cluchier and Bernard Chiron promoting the melon grown in Cavaillon, France
Patrick Cluchier and Bernard Chiron promoting the melon grown in Cavaillon, France
Laurent LeClinche from Savéol shows the snack tomatoes in a shaker and the new exotique line with 2 colours: yellow and brown.
Laurent LeClinche from Savéol shows the snack tomatoes in a shaker and the new exotique line with 2 colours: yellow and brown.
Idyl strongly focused on Moroccan produce
Idyl strongly focused on Moroccan produce
Philippe Jean from Cofruid’oc holds a box of Tasty Granny. This Granny Smith is sweeter than the standard.
Philippe Jean from Cofruid’oc holds a box of Tasty Granny. This Granny Smith is sweeter than the standard.
Also the specialty potatoes from Pom’Alliance
Also the specialty potatoes from Pom’Alliance
Potatoes from Pom’Alliance
Potatoes from Pom’Alliance
Interfel brought little Paris to Perpigan
Interfel brought little Paris to Perpigan
Pinklady showed of with a big tree. They also gave away Pnklady bags at the entrance.
Pinklady showed of with a big tree. They also gave away Pnklady bags at the entrance.
Odile Leibrich from Solarenn, a grower of greenhouse tomatoes: classic, small and heirloom. They also started with strawberries.
Odile Leibrich from Solarenn, a grower of greenhouse tomatoes: classic, small and heirloom. They also started with strawberries.
Dominique Monfraix from Albafruit shows their melons from Morocco
Dominique Monfraix from Albafruit shows their melons from Morocco
Marcello Gomes from Soleil Roy International, big grower of lettuce and other vegetables
Marcello Gomes from Soleil Roy International, big grower of lettuce and other vegetables
Laëtitia Gasc from Agro Selections Fruits, famous from their Regal’In brand
Laëtitia Gasc from Agro Selections Fruits, famous from their Regal’In brand
Guillaume Jouchoux and Fatima Hamioni from Les Aulx du Sud-Ouest, a grower of garlic with a focus on their Purple garlic.
Guillaume Jouchoux and Fatima Hamioni from Les Aulx du Sud-Ouest, a grower of garlic with a focus on their Purple garlic.
Azura presents their stonefruit from Morocco
Azura presents their stonefruit from Morocco
Lacour treated visitors with strawberries and chocolat dip.
Lacour treated visitors with strawberries and chocolat dip.
Nicolas Vialade from Maison Vialade a French mushroom grower of mainl white mushroom, but has also exotic mushrooms.
Nicolas Vialade from Maison Vialade a French mushroom grower of mainl white mushroom, but has also exotic mushrooms.
Anne Florin from Saint-Charles International, many companies from Saint-Charles were present at the show
Anne Florin from Saint-Charles International, many companies from Saint-Charles were present at the show
Grégory Struyve from J.M.F Partenariat shows their new brand Cameleon for Moroccan produce
Grégory Struyve from J.M.F Partenariat shows their new brand Cameleon for Moroccan produce
Michel Bianchini from Euler Hermes, a company that gives services as credit assurance and more to companies worldwide
Michel Bianchini from Euler Hermes, a company that gives services as credit assurance and more to companies worldwide
Marc Granado from Fulexxo
Marc Granado from Fulexxo
Stéphane Decourcelle from Les Fruits Rouges de L’Aisne, a grower, importer and exporter of all softfruit
Stéphane Decourcelle from Les Fruits Rouges de L’Aisne, a grower, importer and exporter of all softfruit
Anne Marie Collom from Marquillanes
Anne Marie Collom from Marquillanes
Olivier Salles from Spanfruit, an importer of fruit and vegetables from mainly Spain as well as Israel and some other countries
Olivier Salles from Spanfruit, an importer of fruit and vegetables from mainly Spain as well as Israel and some other countries
Dominique Malaterre from Europépinières, a nursery that works for 85% for Regalin
Dominique Malaterre from Europépinières, a nursery that works for 85% for Regalin
Romain Faus from Faus Dura, an importer and exporter based in Perpignan at Saint Charles International
Romain Faus from Faus Dura, an importer and exporter based in Perpignan at Saint Charles International
Gérard Fabre from Topfruits restyled his brand
Gérard Fabre from Topfruits restyled his brand
Nadiya Tandina from Legros Bio, an organic grower , importer and exporter of fruit and vegetables
Nadiya Tandina from Legros Bio, an organic grower , importer and exporter of fruit and vegetables
Julien Darnaud from International Plant Selection promotes Pricia apricot. This variety is an early variety, which blooms late and is very versatile.
Julien Darnaud from International Plant Selection promotes Pricia apricot. This variety is an early variety, which blooms late and is very versatile.
Adriana Chelli from Les Herbes du Roussillon are ready to go for export with their French herbs
Adriana Chelli from Les Herbes du Roussillon are ready to go for export with their French herbs
Jean-Christophe Reynal from Aweta
Jean-Christophe Reynal from Aweta
The booth of Fenwick-Linde
The booth of Fenwick-Linde
Céline Guesdon from Fruits&Compagnie promotes the Poire Martin Sec, a pear which is used for cooking.
Céline Guesdon from Fruits&Compagnie promotes the Poire Martin Sec, a pear which is used for cooking.
Aurelie Neric from Domaine des Coteaux promotes their new brand
Aurelie Neric from Domaine des Coteaux promotes their new brand
Maëlle Olive from Terraneo. They wanted to promote more the early potatoes to consumers, as many consumers don’t understand that the early potato is different. So they asked retailers to add early potatoes not with the other potatoes but with the vegetables. This really works and they have seen sales increase.
Maëlle Olive from Terraneo. They wanted to promote more the early potatoes to consumers, as many consumers don’t understand that the early potato is different. So they asked retailers to add early potatoes not with the other potatoes but with the vegetables. This really works and they have seen sales increase.
M. Rahmani and M. Boucher from Pom2Sèvres
M. Rahmani and M. Boucher from Pom2Sèvres
Sweet onions from France
Sweet onions from France
The team of Jouffruit, MesFruits and J.M.C. growers and exporters of apples
The team of Jouffruit, MesFruits and J.M.C. growers and exporters of apples
Galigne Primeurs promotes various vegetables they grow
Galigne Primeurs promotes various vegetables they grow
Amandine Emeric from Saint Louis, a grower of lettuces and spinach
Amandine Emeric from Saint Louis, a grower of lettuces and spinach
Céline Mura from Groupe Rouquette, grower and exporter of apples from South-West of France
Céline Mura from Groupe Rouquette, grower and exporter of apples from South-West of France
Apples from La Tour, grower in Provence
Apples from La Tour, grower in Provence
Agrucorse grower of citrus in Corsica, the only region in France to grow citrus.
Agrucorse grower of citrus in Corsica, the only region in France to grow citrus.
Renate Daynes, Arnaud de Puineuf and Marc Rauffet from Pominter
Renate Daynes, Arnaud de Puineuf and Marc Rauffet from Pominter
Pascal Corbel from Cardel Export and Eric Guasch from Comimpex competitors and friends
Pascal Corbel from Cardel Export and Eric Guasch from Comimpex competitors and friends
Eric Guasch from Comimpex, spoke about the Russian situation at the Medfel.
Eric Guasch from Comimpex, spoke about the Russian situation at the Medfel.
Sébastien Rodriguez from Jardins du Rousillon
Sébastien Rodriguez from Jardins du Rousillon
Julien and Coralie Escande from Theza Fruits, they grow mainly for the French market
Julien and Coralie Escande from Theza Fruits, they grow mainly for the French market
Strawberries from Réart Vallée
Strawberries from Réart Vallée
Jean-Baptiste Pinel from Prim’land is promoting their Nergi berry, a kiwiberry that is a vailable from September.
Jean-Baptiste Pinel from Prim’land is promoting their Nergi berry, a kiwiberry that is a vailable from September.
Marc Peyres from Blue Whale with a box of Pinklady
Marc Peyres from Blue Whale with a box of Pinklady
Bel’Pom and Soleia 2 main brands for Distrimex
Bel’Pom and Soleia 2 main brands for Distrimex
Fleuron d’Anjou specialised in various fruit and vegetables grown in France. They also do a lot of apple export with FDA International.
Fleuron d’Anjou specialised in various fruit and vegetables grown in France. They also do a lot of apple export with FDA International.
The team of Distrimex, still got apples in their Soleia cartons, but for the summer it will be filt with stonefruit.
The team of Distrimex, still got apples in their Soleia cartons, but for the summer it will be filt with stonefruit.