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Düsseldorf Großhandelsmarkt

The wholesale market of the regional capital is owned by the city of Düsseldorf. On a gross floor area of about 165.000 square meters are 170 market companies located. Großmarkt Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf Ulmenstraße 275, 40468 Düsseldorf
The wholesale market of the regional capital is owned by the city of Düsseldorf. On a gross floor area of about 165.000 square meters are 170 market companies located. Großmarkt Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf Ulmenstraße 275, 40468 Düsseldorf
"All companies on wholesale Düsseldorf are organized in a market guild, called "Grossmarktgilde Düsseldorf". The guild is an association of traders and producers. For more information:"
"All companies on wholesale Düsseldorf are organized in a market guild, called "Grossmarktgilde Düsseldorf". The guild is an association of traders and producers. For more information:"
The market has a sale, storage and cooling area of more than 22.500 square meters and a flower market hall with over 10.000 square meters.
The market has a sale, storage and cooling area of more than 22.500 square meters and a flower market hall with over 10.000 square meters.
The wholesale market is changing. Besides two market halls that are going be completely rebuilt are also paths, roads and street lights intended to be modernized and repaired.
The wholesale market is changing. Besides two market halls that are going be completely rebuilt are also paths, roads and street lights intended to be modernized and repaired.
The fact that the wholesale market for food shares the market area with the wholesale market for flowers is unique in North Rhine-Westphalia. On the flower wholesale they trade besides plants also decorative items.
The fact that the wholesale market for food shares the market area with the wholesale market for flowers is unique in North Rhine-Westphalia. On the flower wholesale they trade besides plants also decorative items.
Large and small retailers coexist on the wholesale market. Everyone who wants to be active as sellers needs to become a member of the wholesale market guild.
Large and small retailers coexist on the wholesale market. Everyone who wants to be active as sellers needs to become a member of the wholesale market guild.
"Detlef Marleaux is the owner of "Johann Marleaux & Sohn". His company is since 1896 on the wholesale in Düsseldorf."
"Detlef Marleaux is the owner of "Johann Marleaux & Sohn". His company is since 1896 on the wholesale in Düsseldorf."
Especially in demand are Montivel peppers in all different kind of colours from Spain.
Especially in demand are Montivel peppers in all different kind of colours from Spain.
Detlef Marleaux is currently importing tomatoes from the Netherlands. Depending on the season, his product range will change.
Detlef Marleaux is currently importing tomatoes from the Netherlands. Depending on the season, his product range will change.
In summer, he obtain his goods mainly from Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and Poland. In the picture you can see a nice big head of lettuce from France.
In summer, he obtain his goods mainly from Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and Poland. In the picture you can see a nice big head of lettuce from France.
The wholesaler also sells apple club varieties like MyLord, Jazz, Joya and Pink Lady.
The wholesaler also sells apple club varieties like MyLord, Jazz, Joya and Pink Lady.
The company is run by the fourth Marleaux generation. Their product range is widely arranged and is based on the needs of their customer.
The company is run by the fourth Marleaux generation. Their product range is widely arranged and is based on the needs of their customer.
"Hans Peter Deutschmann is the managing director of "Karl Klees GmbH". He imports all kind of fruit and vegetable from all over the world."
"Hans Peter Deutschmann is the managing director of "Karl Klees GmbH". He imports all kind of fruit and vegetable from all over the world."
Since 1890 Klees provides its customers with local and exotic fruits and vegetables. Just as the Amalfi lemon from the Amalfi coast in Italy.
Since 1890 Klees provides its customers with local and exotic fruits and vegetables. Just as the Amalfi lemon from the Amalfi coast in Italy.
Very intense in flavor, you can eat the Amalfi Lemon complete with shell. The shell is untreated and has very less bitter substances.
Very intense in flavor, you can eat the Amalfi Lemon complete with shell. The shell is untreated and has very less bitter substances.
Hans Peter Deutschmann presents Shiso leaves from the Netherlands. They are mainly used in Asian cuisine.
Hans Peter Deutschmann presents Shiso leaves from the Netherlands. They are mainly used in Asian cuisine.
His clients are coming from all different areas. Among them are weekly markets, shops and wholesalers. Here we see among others mini pepper and carrots.
His clients are coming from all different areas. Among them are weekly markets, shops and wholesalers. Here we see among others mini pepper and carrots.
Mustafa Eroglu is proudly presenting a box of cabbage of Karl Klees GmbH.
Mustafa Eroglu is proudly presenting a box of cabbage of Karl Klees GmbH.
A photo of the whole Karl Klees GmbH team is shown in the market hall.
A photo of the whole Karl Klees GmbH team is shown in the market hall.
Karl Klees GmbH is presenting its product range handsome in his full colorful diversity.
Karl Klees GmbH is presenting its product range handsome in his full colorful diversity.
"Willi Andree Obst & Gemüse" is a family company from near Düsseldorf. On their own farm, the company harvests during summer and winter their own products."
"Willi Andree Obst & Gemüse" is a family company from near Düsseldorf. On their own farm, the company harvests during summer and winter their own products."
The company sees itself as Utility provider. Its customers include retailers and gastronomy companies.
The company sees itself as Utility provider. Its customers include retailers and gastronomy companies.
In winter, the company is harvesting classic winter vegetables. For example, red cabbage, ...
In winter, the company is harvesting classic winter vegetables. For example, red cabbage, ...
... old carrots ...
... old carrots ...
... and white cabbage.
... and white cabbage.
The wholesaler is mainly specialized on vegetables ...
The wholesaler is mainly specialized on vegetables ...
... but he also sells fruits. For example, apples from the region.
... but he also sells fruits. For example, apples from the region.
"Theodor Schreurs GmbH & Co. KG" sells mainly fruit and exotics. His clients include gastronomy companies and food retailers."
"Theodor Schreurs GmbH & Co. KG" sells mainly fruit and exotics. His clients include gastronomy companies and food retailers."
He mainly imports from overseas. His goods come from Chile, New Zealand, Thailand, Vietnam, South Africa and Israel.
He mainly imports from overseas. His goods come from Chile, New Zealand, Thailand, Vietnam, South Africa and Israel.
Here we see delicious Mango from Peru.
Here we see delicious Mango from Peru.
In its product range, the wholesaler also leads grapes, apples from overseas, papaya, carambola and red and yellow plums.
In its product range, the wholesaler also leads grapes, apples from overseas, papaya, carambola and red and yellow plums.
The merchant markets also freshly roasted peanuts under his name. His market hall has its own peanut roaster.
The merchant markets also freshly roasted peanuts under his name. His market hall has its own peanut roaster.
The wholesaler gets his clementines and oranges from Israel, Spain and Morocco.
The wholesaler gets his clementines and oranges from Israel, Spain and Morocco.
"Werner Goertz" sells for more than 30 years, mushrooms, herbs and berries at the Düsseldorf wholesale market."
"Werner Goertz" sells for more than 30 years, mushrooms, herbs and berries at the Düsseldorf wholesale market."
Due to seasonal factors their product range changes. During the mushroom season he sells mushrooms from German and Polish farms. When the berry season in Germany begins mainly strawberries and raspberries.
Due to seasonal factors their product range changes. During the mushroom season he sells mushrooms from German and Polish farms. When the berry season in Germany begins mainly strawberries and raspberries.
Contact person on the market is Holger Maranke. He works since 6 years on the wholesale. His goods are bought by retailers and wholesalers from Cologne and Essen.
Contact person on the market is Holger Maranke. He works since 6 years on the wholesale. His goods are bought by retailers and wholesalers from Cologne and Essen.
The product range of Werner Görtz includes all different kinds of mushrooms. Champignon, chanterelles and even some exotic Pom-Pom mushrooms.
The product range of Werner Görtz includes all different kinds of mushrooms. Champignon, chanterelles and even some exotic Pom-Pom mushrooms.
"Willi Büttgen represents the "Wilhelm Marleaux GmbH" on the wholesale market of the regional capital of North Rhine Westphalia."
"Willi Büttgen represents the "Wilhelm Marleaux GmbH" on the wholesale market of the regional capital of North Rhine Westphalia."
A special feature of his product rage represents the Gariguette strawberry from Brittany. Wilhelm Marleaux imports them directly from France.
A special feature of his product rage represents the Gariguette strawberry from Brittany. Wilhelm Marleaux imports them directly from France.
The wholesaler is since more than 50 years on the wholesale market and imports his products from all around the world.
The wholesaler is since more than 50 years on the wholesale market and imports his products from all around the world.
Wilhelm Marleaux sells fruit and vegetables. For example, red kuri squash from France.
Wilhelm Marleaux sells fruit and vegetables. For example, red kuri squash from France.
The wholesaler reports that his Peruvian mangoes are transported by plane to Germany.
The wholesaler reports that his Peruvian mangoes are transported by plane to Germany.
Wilhelm Marleaux's product range includes many exotics. Here you can see Tamarillo from Colombia, star fruit from Malaysia and the exotic dragon fruit from Vietnam.
Wilhelm Marleaux's product range includes many exotics. Here you can see Tamarillo from Colombia, star fruit from Malaysia and the exotic dragon fruit from Vietnam.
"Hans Becker GmbH" offers a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Since five generations, the company is on the wholesale. Benjamin Becker is currently conducting the business."
"Hans Becker GmbH" offers a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Since five generations, the company is on the wholesale. Benjamin Becker is currently conducting the business."
Hans Becker is suppling the quality-oriented food retail. Among his top sellers are peppers of the brand Working, ...
Hans Becker is suppling the quality-oriented food retail. Among his top sellers are peppers of the brand Working, ...
... Spanish oranges of the the brand Tobsine ...
... Spanish oranges of the the brand Tobsine ...
... and Jaffa clementines from Israel.
... and Jaffa clementines from Israel.
"Heinz Hausmann Fruchthandels GmbH" is on the wholesale market since 1899. Due to seasonal factors - in winter he sells mainly vegetables and during the summer fruits from regional growers."
"Heinz Hausmann Fruchthandels GmbH" is on the wholesale market since 1899. Due to seasonal factors - in winter he sells mainly vegetables and during the summer fruits from regional growers."
Owner Heinz Hausmann proudly presents his imported mangoes. The wholesaler always exert himself to offer his customers the best goods and quality.
Owner Heinz Hausmann proudly presents his imported mangoes. The wholesaler always exert himself to offer his customers the best goods and quality.
His product range includes spring onion from Egypt and leek from the Netherlands and Belgium.
His product range includes spring onion from Egypt and leek from the Netherlands and Belgium.
Mark Jansen and Mehmet Öz are proud to work for Heinz Hausmann. They present strawberries and asparagus from Holland.
Mark Jansen and Mehmet Öz are proud to work for Heinz Hausmann. They present strawberries and asparagus from Holland.
Oranges of the brand Ruleta, Severa lemons and apples of the French brand MyLord are especially in demand.
Oranges of the brand Ruleta, Severa lemons and apples of the French brand MyLord are especially in demand.
"Früchte Wittenberg GmbH" sells a wide range of fruits and vegetables. The wholesaler is now for more than 35 years and in the third generation on the wholesale market."
"Früchte Wittenberg GmbH" sells a wide range of fruits and vegetables. The wholesaler is now for more than 35 years and in the third generation on the wholesale market."
Ralf Wittenberg presents his Melanie lemons without preservatives. The current managing director is since his childhood active in the industry.
Ralf Wittenberg presents his Melanie lemons without preservatives. The current managing director is since his childhood active in the industry.
A special service of Wittenberg is among others the punctual delivery of its products to its customers. Here we see sweet cantaloupe from Costa Rica.
A special service of Wittenberg is among others the punctual delivery of its products to its customers. Here we see sweet cantaloupe from Costa Rica.
The wholesalers gets his products from local producers and as well from producers in other countries and continents. We see for example pointed peppers from Italy.
The wholesalers gets his products from local producers and as well from producers in other countries and continents. We see for example pointed peppers from Italy.
The merchant also sells fresh mangos of the brand Sunfruit from Peru ...
The merchant also sells fresh mangos of the brand Sunfruit from Peru ...
... and litchi from South Afrika.
... and litchi from South Afrika.
"The "Marmara Imp.-Exp. GmbH" has high-quality products and is established in the ethnic food market for over 35 years."
"The "Marmara Imp.-Exp. GmbH" has high-quality products and is established in the ethnic food market for over 35 years."
In addition to fruit and vegetable the wholesaler sales also successfully canned olives, olive oils, dairy products and meat products. Mustava Kuru is the representing his company on the Düsseldorf wholesale.
In addition to fruit and vegetable the wholesaler sales also successfully canned olives, olive oils, dairy products and meat products. Mustava Kuru is the representing his company on the Düsseldorf wholesale.
The fruit and vegetable product range of the merchant is mainly dominated by fruits. Most of the products of the Turkish merchant are from France, Spain, Turkey and overseas.
The fruit and vegetable product range of the merchant is mainly dominated by fruits. Most of the products of the Turkish merchant are from France, Spain, Turkey and overseas.
Marmara leads mainly seasonal goods. Above Holland the goods arrive at the Düsseldorf wholesale market.
Marmara leads mainly seasonal goods. Above Holland the goods arrive at the Düsseldorf wholesale market.
Club apple varieties as Joya, PinkLady or MyLord are not missing in the product range of Marmara.
Club apple varieties as Joya, PinkLady or MyLord are not missing in the product range of Marmara.
The staff of Marmara is proud to work for the wholesaler. As busy as a bee they do their work.
The staff of Marmara is proud to work for the wholesaler. As busy as a bee they do their work.
Physalis from Colombia, mangos from Brazil and garlic from China are also part of their product range.
Physalis from Colombia, mangos from Brazil and garlic from China are also part of their product range.
"Berger & Tolls GmbH & Co. KG" exclusively supply the gastronomy and catering industry, hospitals and retirement homes. The "Second German Television" (ZDF) once made a report about the wholesaler. You can watch the report on their website:"
"Berger & Tolls GmbH & Co. KG" exclusively supply the gastronomy and catering industry, hospitals and retirement homes. The "Second German Television" (ZDF) once made a report about the wholesaler. You can watch the report on their website:"
Roland Tolls is a fruit and vegetable specialist. He is one of the owners of the wholesale company. The distribution of their products take place through the central warehouse on the wholesale market in Düsseldorf.
Roland Tolls is a fruit and vegetable specialist. He is one of the owners of the wholesale company. The distribution of their products take place through the central warehouse on the wholesale market in Düsseldorf.
The company posses an all-round winter hall. In this environment their products particularly stay longer fresh. The company also sells cut material that is made completely without chemicals.
The company posses an all-round winter hall. In this environment their products particularly stay longer fresh. The company also sells cut material that is made completely without chemicals.
Berger & Tolls get their imported products over a supplier from Rotterdam. In summer, the company sells mainly vegetables from their own farmers in Germany.
Berger & Tolls get their imported products over a supplier from Rotterdam. In summer, the company sells mainly vegetables from their own farmers in Germany.
The company has focused on the delivery of their products. The delivery region of their trucks opens up about a radius of 80 km. In addition, a nationwide delivery by freight carrier is possible.
The company has focused on the delivery of their products. The delivery region of their trucks opens up about a radius of 80 km. In addition, a nationwide delivery by freight carrier is possible.
The vehicle fleet of Berger & Tolls includes large trucks and smaller vans.
The vehicle fleet of Berger & Tolls includes large trucks and smaller vans.